Supported by the Arts Council and Wicklow County Council


Title: as if [...] wearing anklesocks
Text: Sarah Hayden
Concept: Sarah Browne
Design: Rose Nordin
Produced by: Kunstverein Aughrim
Publication date: 2024
Pages: 71
Dimensions: 15 x 10 cm
Language: English
Price: €35.00

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as if […] wearing anklesocks is the title of a long-form poem by Sarah Hayden. It was created as a text-in-response to Buttercup, a moving image artwork and solo exhibition by Sarah Browne, first presented at SIRIUS, Cobh, County Cork, 13 April – 29 June 2024. The project was supported by Arts and Disability Connect, a scheme funded by the Arts Council / An Comhairle Ealaíon, managed by Arts & Disability Ireland. 

Written to be heard in the air or read on the page, Hayden’s text is also available as an audio recording (accompanied by a reference document), as a word doc for screen readers, and as a captioned video documenting a live reading by the author. These additional formats may be accessed here.

About the author:

Sarah Hayden is a London-based Irish writer and Professor of Experimental Writing and Art at the University of Southampton. Her work explores intersections of voice, text, access and art. Recent publications include an essay on captioning as “unvoiceover” for Angelaki and an essay for Charlie Prodger at secession Vienna (both 2023). She is currently writing a book on voice in art for University of Minnesota Press and collaborating with Liza Sylvestre and Christopher Robert Jones on the Blue Description Project. She has a background in poetry, recently presenting a trio of lecture-poems, Teacher Voice Treatment (in text and audio) on SpamPlaza.

About the artist:

Sarah Browne is an artist based in Ireland concerned with spoken and unspoken, bodily experiences of knowledge, labour and justice. Her practice involves sculpture, film, performance and publishing, often in collaboration with others. Recent public projects include Echo’s Bones (2022, commissioned by Fingal County Council); Public feeling (2019, commissioned by South Dublin County Council); and In the Shadow of the State (2016, with Jesse Jones: a site-specific cycle of workshops and performances in Derry, Liverpool, Dublin and London, commissioned by Create and Artangel). She has had solo exhibitions at Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, County Cork; Marabouparken, Stockholm; Institute of Modern Art Brisbane; CCA Derry~Londonderry; Project Arts Centre, Dublin; Ikon, Birmingham and CAG, Vancouver. In 2020 she curated TULCA Festival of Visual Arts, Galway, with a project titled The Law is a White Dog. Significant group exhibitions Browne has participated in include Bergen Assembly (2019), Liverpool Biennial (2016) and the Irish Pavilion at the 53rd Venice Biennale (2009) with Gareth Kennedy and Kennedy Browne. She is associate artist with University College Dublin College of Social Sciences and Law. 

Kunstverein Aughrim’s ongoing collaboration with Sarah Browne is made possible with the support of The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon.