Supported by the Arts Council and Wicklow County Council


Title: High Level Margins With A Catalogue
Artist: Nedko Solakov
Design: Jaan Evart
Publisher: Kunstverein Publishing
Publication date: 2010
Pages: 32
Dimensions: 20 x 16.5
Language: English
ISBN: 978-94-90629-04-5
Price: €10.00

This publication was produced as part of the exhibition High Level Margins With a Catalogue by Nedko Solakov. It serves as a reading device for the stories displayed on and around the margins of Kunstverein’s 3.5m high ceiling. Solakov has handwritten comments in apparently empty spaces, at weird levels that require movement and seeking on part of the viewer. The catalogue functions as key to the physical presentation, but gives any reader a different way ‘in’; an imagined space at a different time.