Jennie Moran uses a subtle, tactical approach to respond to situations. She thinks about generosity and timing. Her work is an attempt to dismantle places into their basic components and reassemble them so that they might function more poetically. It is usually light-hearted and energetic. Recently, however she has been considering the split second of despondency in this process, between the action of recognising unfortunate barren gaps in places, and filling them courageously. These gaps might be defined as absence of hospitality or ‘places in which one can no longer believe in anything’; where stories are not allowed to accumulate. Before the sharp intake of breath that means we are ready to be strong, there is a poignant moment of sadness. Her practice is an illumination of this human frailty/vulnerability alongside a brave unyielding will to make better.
An example of previous work by the artist is Luncheonette, a long term art project centred around hospitality and food, started by Jennie Moran in 2013. It is a prolonged exploration into the complex alchemy of placemaking, centred around the provision of shared experiences using nourishment, shelter, comfort, warmth, light, and tone to treat places so that they feel easier for people to be in and more poetic. A 'luncheonette' is a light-on-its-feet food station. It is flexible and adaptable and can even move from place to place to serve its purpose in different contexts, for different reasons. This particular luncheonette presently operates in the basement of the Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin but frequently changes shape and location.
Kunstverein Aughrim works with artist Jennie Moran as a hospitality coach to embed a responsive and imaginative approach hospitality. Her commissioned Hospitality Policy has informed Kunstverein Aughrim’s overall approach to welcoming visitors and working with artists. It was first presented in May 2023 as part of Stone Soup.
Kunstverein Aughrim’s collaboration with Jennie Moran was supported by an Arts Council of Ireland Agility Award 2021.